

February 26, 2020

14 minutes read

The IT Maturity Level: A Model in Higher Ed


Andrew Graf

Where is your IT department on the IT maturity level scale? Ad-Hoc with no defined measures? Or maybe you have some process or system in place to control your requests. No matter where you land, there is always room for improvement.

When TeamDynamix conducted a pulse study to evaluate IT maturity among Higher Ed institutions, over 100 colleges and universities were asked to self-rank on this five-level maturity level model.

There is no doubt about it–Higher Ed IT professionals are strained and the pressure continues to mount. With thousands of new users (students, faculty, and staff), devices (from mobile to desktop computers to gaming systems), and requests (from minor password requests to major project requests), managing resources in this environment can be daunting—and communicating the efforts to stakeholders is even more difficult. In order to optimize resources, there needs to be a systematic process and workflow in place. In addition, to saving precious resource time, non-value-added tasks—like manual processing, ad-hoc reporting requests, gaps in hand-offs, and poorly defined workflows—need to be identified and removed. To accomplish this, many institutions are moving to a single-platform approach for managing projects and service requests

The 5 It Maturity Levels

  • Level 1: Ad-Hoc/Discord – No system or processes. The organization is operating with emails and manual processes.
  • Level 2: Some Order – Minimal processes for intake and tracking, but not well defined or tracked. Workflows are typically absent, and expectations for service levels are often unmanageable.
  • Level 3: Defined Process – Defined system with resource tracking and auditing. There are definite departures from the process. Workflow is integrated into the system, and some level of control exists.
  • Level 4: Repeatable – Highly defined system with embedded workflow and resource optimization. Expectations are tightly managed, and there is the ability to manage resources and workloads in real-time.
  • Level 5: Optimized – The entire system is calibrated and can adjust as needed. There is an iterative feedback loop that allows for the organization as a whole to adapt to provide optimal service.

59% of study participants self-rank at IT Maturity Levels 1 or 2. When we asked participants what was preventing them from achieving a higher IT maturity level, 46% identified “Lack of Process, Control, or Standards” as the number one issue.

Moving Up

As enrollment at colleges and universities increases and demand grows each year, IT departments must put themselves in a position where they can overcome a lack of process and move up in the IT maturity level model. But to do all this while also enhancing service delivery, the right tools and technology must be in place. High Ed is facing an even more competitive environment in the future and those institutions with IT Maturity levels capable of servicing the needs of their institutions are going to be poised in a strong position to grow and deepen the value of their institution.

IT Service Management (ITSM) is a solution capable of helping Higher Ed IT organizations better manage processes and advance to a higher IT maturity level. Modern ITSM solutions offer much more than the ability to generate service tickets. A reliable ITSM platform provides universities and colleges with the tools needed to move up on the maturity scale. For instance, those positioned at Level 1 or 2 can utilize ITSM to create defined workflows, and in turn, improve the efficiency of processes to move up to Level 3.

Efficiency and Optimization

As a Higher Ed institution rises in its IT maturity level, it becomes more efficient in its use of resources and reduces unnecessary costs.

While everyone wants to optimize their procedures and processes, this is not always possible without adding new technology solutions. ITSM gives Higher Ed institutions the platform to optimize systems and resources, ultimately helping meet organizational goals.

Andrew Graf

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