NaphCare Embraces ITSM Automation

NaphCare Embraces ITSM Automation for Improved Service

healthcare ITSM automation
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ITSM Automation Realized

With a no-code, agile ITSM platform the team is able to quickly automate.

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98% Faster Provisioning

IT account and software provisioning went from over a week to minutes.

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Reduced Admin Drain

No-code ITSM enables the automation of manual, mundane tasks.

Industry: Healthcare
End-users: 2,800
Previous System: Kaseya

ITSM Automation Realized

Prior to using TeamDynamix NaphCare, an Alabama-based company providing healthcare services and software to correctional facilities, was using a limited and less efficient platform to facilitate the delivery of IT service. The former IT service management platform wasn’t ITIL-compliant and lacked important features, like automation and self-service capabilities, that would significantly improve the delivery of IT service.  As NaphCare provides and supports software, they needed an effective IT support team with faster response times.  They sought to find an agile platform that offered ITSM automation without the admin drain.


Switching to TeamDynamix has allowed NaphCare’s IT support team to build a self-service portal and automate key processes, resulting in faster, more efficient IT service—as well as happier customers. With the help of TeamDynamix, NaphCare’s IT Service Desk team has been able to provide exceptional service with the same number of IT staff—without missing a beat.


  • Faster ticket resolution times
  • Increased productivity by removing manual ‘toil’ through ITSM automation
  • Managed increased demand with self-service portal adoption

Moving to a Self-Service Model

Barry Bowden, NaphCare’s IT Service Desk manager, oversees NaphCare’s IT Service Desk team which supports technology for the 4,600 people who work for NaphCare, as well as the users of NaphCare’s electronic healthcare records (EHR) software, TechCare.


“About 60 to 70 percent of our time is spent supporting the TechCare product, and the rest is spent supporting the IT needs of NaphCare employees, such as creating user accounts,” Bowden says. When NaphCare solicited bids for a more modern IT service management platform that would allow help desk staff to be more efficient, TeamDynamix emerged as the clear winner.


“The thing that shined for us was the self-service portal, which could be highly customized and was easy to use without requiring much administrative overhead,” Bowden says. The self-service portal within TeamDynamix connects users with knowledge base articles written by NaphCare IT staff so they can find answers to their questions online, speeding up problem resolution and avoiding the need for further assistance in many cases.


If users can’t resolve their own IT issue, they can submit a service request through the portal by choosing from an online catalog of services. Their request is then routed automatically to an appropriate IT staff member for a response, based on the nature of the problem.


As more people use the self-service portal, this frees up NaphCare help desk staff from answering phone calls and responding to emails—allowing them to service customers much more efficiently.

98% Faster Provisioning

Using automation to expedite end-user support and service.

Self-Service Realized

The team has been able to manage increased demand through self-service.

ITSM automation with enterprise integration
The thing that shined for us was the self-service portal which is highly customized."

Enterprise Automation Takes Off

Another way TeamDynamix is helping NaphCare IT staff work more intelligently is by automating routine tasks. Using TeamDynamix’s enterprise automation and integration tool, iPaaS, enables IT staff to create customized integrations and automated workflows between TeamDynamix and other software programs using a simple drag-and-drop process. The tool is codeless, meaning you don’t need to know how to code to build the workflows.


This easy-to-use “integration Platform-as-a-Service” feature was built using the Google Blockly and MIT Scratch visual programming languages, allowing users to drag and drop blocks of code into place to create the functionality they’re looking for in a matter of minutes. TeamDynamix allows users to create highly customizable workflows for automating a variety of tasks and processes easily. “With TeamDynamix, we’re looking at automating tasks to take some of the things we do manually out of the hands of IT staff, so they can be more efficient,” Bowden says.

Automating Mundane Tasks

Stop spinning your wheels on mundane tasks.  With enterprise automation, your IT team can reduce time spent on manual tasks and expedite service.

Automated New User Creation

For instance, setting up and provisioning IT accounts for NaphCare employees is currently a multi-step process. NaphCare uses a software program called Adaxes to automate the provisioning of accounts within Active Directory, but IT staff still have to coordinate with both HR staff and the managers of various departments to confirm what IT privileges employees should have—such as whether they should get a free or paid Zoom account. Bowden’s staff includes one full-time employee whose sole responsibility is to perform this work.


With TeamDynamix, NaphCare has created automated workflows for contacting HR and department heads to collect the necessary information. Using iPaaS, Bowden plans to connect TeamDynamix with Adaxes and build a customized workflow to create new user accounts from this information.


Automating this process will enable it to be completed in under five minutes, he says, with very little human intervention needed—freeing up the IT employee responsible for this task to do more strategic work, “That employee can be reallocated to other areas to work on more complex projects,” Bowden said.


There are also plans to automate software provisioning for programs like Microsoft Office.

“It will take me a week, right now, to go in and install Microsoft office on all the accounts that request it. With automation in place, I won’t need to touch those requests unless there’s a problem. People will be able to go to our portal, put in the request and automatically get the software,” Bowden said. “That’s a full week of time I can get back to work on other things. That will be a huge benefit for us.”

Managing Increased Demand

Using TeamDynamix is making NaphCare help desk staff much more efficient. As a result, even though the volume of support tickets is increasing month over month, Bowden’s team is still able to provide better IT service now than they were before with their old system.


This isn’t the only way that TeamDynamix has improved customer satisfaction. Both NaphCare employees and EHR clients can use the portal to view the status of their service requests and get progress updates instantly—a feature that everyone appreciates.

“The ability to empower clients to see their own information is a huge plus for us,” Bowden observes. In fact, self-service portal functionality was a key factor when it came to selecting TeamDynamix, “Self-service portals with TeamDynamix are easy to use, can be customized and look nice compared to the other vendors we evaluated,” Bowden said. 


He concludes: “We love TeamDynamix, and we love the support we get. Everyone is pleased with the system. It makes it easier for us to respond to service tickets. It’s simple to use, and we can customize it however we want. It’s had a huge impact on our operations, we’re very happy.”

That is a full week that I get back."

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