Sunnyvale Brings Tickets and Projects Together

Sunnyvale, CA Gains a Single View of Tickets, Projects and Assets

IT Service Management - service across the enterprise
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Improved Visibility

With tickets and projects together, you can see all work in one dashboard.

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White-glove Implementation

Aided by a full-service implementation team, Sunnyvale was live quickly.

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Tickets and Assets Together

A single platform to view all tickets, projects, assets and change requests.

Industry: Public Sector
End-users: 16,000
Previous System: Legacy

Tickets, Projects and Assets

In the City of Sunnyvale, IT for the city means every day is a different day. “Before TeamDynamix the work was managed essentially by memory,” Dhiren Gandhi, applications and analytics manager said. Kathleen Boutte, Chief Information Officer, said the system they had in place for ticketing and managing IT assets prior to TeamDynamix was very antiquated.


“It was very difficult for us to understand where our resources were, how we were using our people. We needed better reporting, we needed visibility of staff and resource management, but we also needed better asset management,” she said.


“We were managing assets on spreadsheets and different systems, if anyone asked how many PCs we have in the city it would take us a few moments to gather that information and give an answer.”  With TeamDynamix in place, Boutte said they now have all of that information and more at the click of a button.


  • Full visibility of assets across the city
  • Better control of resources with tickets and projects together
  • Custom dashboards for improved departmental usage

Manage Resources Better

Hema Nekkanti, project management office manager, touts the benefits of bringing IT service management (ITSM) and project portfolio management (PPM) together on a single platform, “With one platform now we can actually see the tickets that are being worked on as well as the projects that are in the pipeline,” she said. “This gives us the ability to actually allocate the resources appropriately, and there’s no resource conflict.”


Eddie Soliven, infrastructure services manager, finds great value in the dashboards provided within the TeamDynamix platform. Nekkanti agrees, “The dashboards are the coolest things in TeamDynamix, I enjoy creating them as well as using them,” she said.  Nekkanti said she and her team use the dashboards internally to view projects in the pipeline as well as tickets.

Better IT Service

Better asset management enables faster service to end-users across the city.

Resource Optimization

Resources can be tracked and allocated across tickets and projects.

There is a simplicity in configuring it, so it was a no-brainer to pick TeamDynamix."

Departmental Dashboards

At Sunnyvale, each department has its own dashboard specific to their projects and tickets – within these dashboards they can view both the entire portfolio of work across the city, as well as their own projects.  “It’s all there, and when they drill down into each of those projects they can tell how far they are into the project. There’s a Gantt chart that shows the execution time and when the start time of each project is,” Nekkanti said. “This actually helps us (in the project management office) and those in the departments to understand exactly where the projects are and when they can be finished.”


Soliven said the dashboards also give him a good snapshot of the condition of Sunnyvale’s systems and where the service requests lie, as well as where the bottlenecks are, “It gives us an opportunity to address those in the background proactively.”


CIO Boutte said she highly values the resource management visibility she gets from TeamDynamix, “We really needed that visibility, and it’s why this has been such a great tool for us. Having both the service side and the project side means I can see whether my team is working on a ticket or a project and how busy are they? I get visibility into their availability, and I can forecast more accurately to know that I am not overworking staff or that we’re not just sitting on the bench twiddling our thumbs.”

Custom Dashboards Made Easy

“The dashboards are the coolest things in TeamDynamix.”

Modernized ITSM

Compared to other vendors in the space, Boutte said TeamDynamix stacks up well. “TeamDynamix has all the functionality of the big players that everyone hears about and sees in the city and different places,” she said, “but it has the capability of being just as strong of a tool. We were looking for a cloud-based software as a solution system and TeamDynamix is doing that, plus it has the integration of the service desk tickets as well as the projects, and the ability for us to start tracking time.”


For Sunnyvale, time tracking was a critical component – they needed to be able to what people were spending their time on and to use data to say what people SHOULD be spending their time on. “The integration of time tracking with service management and projects has made TeamDynamix a really economical as well as efficient choice for us,” Boutte said.

Fast Implementation

“We had substantial help from our TeamDynamix project manager,” Soliven said. “They were there to help us every step of the way.” For Nekkanti the platform’s ease-of-use made a difference, “There was a simplicity in using it and configuring it, so it was a no-brainer to pick TeamDynamix.”

TeamDynamix was there every step of the way."

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