Implementation Services

We work side-by-side to get you up and running with a system that matches your needs.

We're Here To
Support You

TeamDynamix is a SaaS Cloud solution offering service and project management, with integration and workflow, and conversational AI together on one platform. We are focused on relentless service to our customers. To deliver on this promise, we use our own in-house services team to tailor our solution to your needs. From initial scoping and process design to system configuration and training, we focus on aligning technology to support your strategic vision.

TDX Implement

no-code ITSM enterprise service made easy

TDX Implementation Approach

At TeamDynamix, your implementation is done in-house – we do not hire contract workers or outsource any parts of the project. We follow a distinct methodology designed to transfer knowledge throughout the project. We can also introduce process consulting services at any point of the project to help you embed best practices as you lay the foundation and take your operation to the next level.

Your implementation team will be with you side-by-side to help ensure you are up and running with a system configured to match your specific requirements. Because TeamDynamix products are no-code, we can quickly configure forms, fields, workflows, asset configuration, change management, project tracking and more. 

  • In-house implementation team
  • Tailored approach with knowledge transfer
  • Process consulting services available 

Our implementation partner was such a part of our team and invested in our success.

Jean Clark

IT Manager for Enterprise Services
Gainesville Regional Utilities

Project Tracking

Project Tracking and Oversight

To track your implementation we leverage the TeamDynamix Project Portfolio Management (PPM) solution. This allows all members of the implementation team access to a central hub where all the details for the project are shared. In addition, all tasks are outlined here and any roadblocks can be identified.

Risk management is a significant portion of each implementation. Similar to project tasks and issues, we track these and identify them early in the project so that we can discuss risk mitigation strategies and minimize any threats and take advantage of opportunities.

  • Create a project plan and track all tasks
  • Leverage PPM to identify any roadblocks and risks
  • Communicate risk mitigation strategy
ITSM and Projects Together better reporting and dashboards

Configuring Requirements

During this phase of implementation, we empower you to tailor the environment to meet your organization’s vision and specific needs. A significant percentage of training happens upfront here via our TeamDynamix Readiness Course. We introduce approaches used successfully by organizations similar to yours to help propel you to the next phase.


Because TeamDynamix is a codeless, fully configurable system we don’t need to engage in any coding or scripting. This means we can also build upon the initial workflows created in this phase over time as you mature in your service delivery.

  • Utilize pre-configured workflows, and tailor to your needs
  • Leverage successful approaches used by similar organizations
  • Evaluate and adjust as needed to fit your vision and specifications

I find the training videos are robust. You can learn each time you go back and look at the resources.

Deborah Rojas

Chief Information Officer
Charter Oak Financial

Testing & Training

Testing and Training

Testing can often ensure that the configuration is working as expected and helps to reduce risk and uncertainty. We encourage customers to perform testing on their TeamDynamix environment. We also encourage very detailed training plans for technicians/project managers. We provide several resources, including sample agendas, training videos and training plan templates.


TeamDynamix has trained more than 10,000 users, and we believe that bringing that experience to the table provides quick value to our customers. A training plan that best meets your needs will be discussed and created during the implementation. This typically includes a combination of instructor-led training, web-based videos and open-house workshops. We follow trainings with open-ended office hour availability to ensure the knowledge has been transferred.

  • Best practices and testing templates available to assist with testing
  • Web-based and instructor-led training options for knowledge transfer
  • Regular office hours availability for additional support 

Go-Live and Post Optimization

During the go-live phase, our Professional Services team will be right there with you. We will continue to manage the project, and consider this just another milestone in a broader initiative. This is an opportunity to calibrate and fine-tune the solution as it goes into production.

Rest assured that this isn’t the end of the line, however. While reaching go-live is certainly noteworthy, your ultimate success with the solution will largely be defined by what comes next. One you’re live we work with you to optimize and normalize—typically spending at least a month providing you go-live assistance as needed during this phase. 

  • Work together to manage the process before, during and after go-live
  • We will help you to calibrate the solution as it moves into production
  • Ensure continued success in your organization through post-go-live initiatives

Optimizing for Ongoing Success

After you go live with TeamDynamix, we evaluate usage and adoption – a standard and pivotal step. We track performance and workflow effectiveness and work with you to calibrate and optimize the solution to fit into your daily operations.


While our pre-go-live phases of implementation go a long way to ensuring a successful go-live, we know that’s not where your journey should end. By evaluating usage and adoption, we’re able to help make the adjustments necessary to ensure your long-term success.

  • Track solution performance post-go-live
  • Monitor workflow effectiveness
  • Optimize the solution to match daily operational needs

I’ve implemented several different systems and software over the years and the TeamDynamix implementation is the best experience I’ve had.

Brendan Lesinski

Enterprise Systems Engineer

Change Management

Building Change Culture

Developing an effective change management strategy is critical to the success of any software implementation. During your implementation process, we will help you generate an appropriate Change Management plan to meet all your core objectives.


Once optimized, the solution can become a core backbone of your operations. With our managed services offering, we can be part of your team. We can be part of your team and extend the value of TeamDynamix to help you get the most out of your investment.

  • Learn your new solution and its impact on day-to-day operations
  • Create a new culture by embracing these new tools and processes
  • Serve as an ongoing part of your team as your organization grows
Educational Services

TDX Academy/Education

TDX Academy provides customers with a library of on-demand video tutorials offering useful tips on how to get the most out of TeamDynamix. Our Professional Services team is continually producing videos focused on addressing the most common questions and ideas generated by our user community.


TDX Academy is a valuable resource that will help you drive usage and adoption of the solution, which in turn will help you improve the overall customer experience. It’s a convenient way to expand your knowledge of the tool that you can leverage within your department—and beyond—down the road.

  • Help you ramp up quickly
  • Get the most out of TeamDynamix with advanced techniques
  • Gain advanced knowledge of analytics and reporting
teamdynamix services implementation


TeamDynamix Unified No-code Platform


Life-cycle IT Service Management with support for ITIL, assets, change, self-service, conversational AI and automation.

ITSM Automation


Make enterprise service management a reality with a single platform across IT, Facilities, HR, Marketing and more.


Let automation take off with no-code enterprise integration and workflow.  Embrace digital transformation.


Change the way you chat with conversational AI – natural language processing with automation.


Tackle projects of any size with a platform that is as simple or as sophisticated as you need it to be.

Experience TeamDynamix Today

Unlock the power of seamless service delivery, intelligent AI solutions and automated efficiency. Take your enterprise to new heights with TeamDynamix.